What is Meme?

Meme is a behavior, an idea, a style, spreading in society. Meme is an interesting item internationally broadcasted by social media. (Merriam-Webster)

We can easily find a meme from the Internet. It can be a drawing, a comic, a picture, a stock photo, or a video. Search with the hashtag #meme on social media, lots of memes will pop up and you will find that meme can be created for different industries. It can be gaming, entertainment, marketing, and political use.

For gaming use, the creator will create meme by using the game screen mainly. Containing the gaming experience that almost all the players agree with and the unreasonable parts in the game.

For entertainment use, the creator will create the meme by drawing and stock photos mainly. The content may include life sharing, experience sharing.

For marketing use, the creator will create the meme by adding the brand logo or items in it. The main purpose of it is to attract potential customers, humanize the brand, and showcase the culture of the company memorably, and funnily. (Sprout Social)

For political use, the creator will create the meme from only one point of view. As the meme is popular on social media and everyone can create it and publish it to the world. It can mobilize, disseminate, and coordinate people’s minds easily. A meme warfare center is opened under the suggestion from US Marine Corps Major Michael B. Prosser. He believes that meme can be effectively used with psychological action, information action, and strategic communication. At the same time, Dr. Robert Finkelstein shows his support in weaponizing meme. (Ascott, 2020 ) With the meme, the attention to the political currency can be controlled and polarization the public. Meme warfare is on.



2 thoughts on “What is Meme?

  1. Thank you for sharing your information that memes can express one’s view in many different contexts on social media. We should be careful when memes are used in mocking through pain. Sometimes, they can be sensitive to one’s culture and evoke negative emotions. When we post something online, they are seen by others and cannot be taken back. The world is at our fingertips nowadays.


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