Hey Google and Siri: How scary they are?

As time pass, the Internet becomes more powerful. We can easily access different websites and leave our footprint on social media. And while it allows us to be instant with the cloud function, ‘Hey, Google’ and ‘Siri’ are born.

‘Hey, Google’ is a Google’s voice assistant that can smartly give suggestions to you all the time and finish some of the tasks if you ask to do so. (Tillman, 2020) At the same time, ‘Siri’ is a similar thing to it, but it belongs to Apple. ‘Siri’ is a voice-controlled personal assistant that can help you to get almost all the legwork done for you provided by Apple. (O’Boyle, 2020)

Both of them are developed based on Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. They can finish almost everything by using the technology called the ‘Internet of Things’. Almost everything can be finished by them once connected to the Internet. Furthermore, they can predict what you need before your order any command based on the data that they collected before. It sounds great, right?

Photo by iPhone Hacks.

However, have you thought about ‘Hey, Google’ and ‘Siri’ may destroy human in the future? As the above mentioned, they are created by using the technology on Artificial Intelligence, they are learning us. They are getting information and data from our life, learning our language, mapping our behavior, and sending to the cloud. When they first created, they can only finish the task that we ask to do so. And now, they can predict our behavior and decided to finish something before the command. For example, you may find your phone called someone by itself and all the electronics are on when you back home. It is all because you are doing this regularly and Artificial Intelligence predicts you!

Someday in the future, ‘Hey, Google’ and ‘Siri’ may replace our thinking as they can predict everything bases on the data from the cloud and we will become useless.



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